017: I wanna be Dick Proenneke when I grow up

The Alaskan naturalist and outdoorsman, Dick Proenneke, has been one of my heroes since I first watched the documentary, "Alone in the Wilderness," some 15 years ago. He was the quintessential guy's guy, the fellow that all of us soft, 21st century Doofus Dad wusses wish we could be.

016: It's official: I'm rich!

Thanks to an odd combination of extremely profitable overseas investments (I didn't know I made) and a slew of wealthy overseas relatives (I didn't know I had), I'm now absolutely disgustingly rich, according to the many emails I've been receiving lately. Let me tell you about it.

015: The Top 6 ways to cope when your teenager drives solo for the first time

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Sending your newly legal teenager out alone and behind the wheel of a hurtling death machine is sobering, to say the least. Here's how to cope.

Ep. 014: My Top 5 Driving Idiots (Plus 1)

These are the drivers that are responsible for inching me toward road rage, which isn't a good look for anyone. Are you one of these? Please say no...

013: Why "Jaws" is the greatest dad movie of my generation

In this podcast episode, I dig into what makes Steven Spielberg's astounding movie, "Jaws," a classic — for dads specifically, for me personally, and for the world at large.

012: My Top 10 truths about winter storms in the South

If you live in the South, you know that the phrase "winter storm" carries a much different meaning than it does in, say, Minnesota. Let's discuss.

011: My Top 10 Reasons Why Bohemian Rhapsody might be the Greatest Rock Song Ever

Sure, you've heard people discuss "Bohemian Rhapsody" before. But you've never heard ME discuss it. It's time Queen got the Doofus Dad treatment.

Why 'Jaws' is the greatest dad movie of my generation

One of the appealing aspects of living in the modern age of Western entertainment is when a particular film, TV show, or song becomes woven into your life. I don’t mean it’s simply something you recall from your past. I mean, it actively…

010: Talking is hard

This episode, "Talking is hard," isn't really dad-related. It's just me deconstructing the odd challenges of speaking into a microphone, specifically for voiceover work and audiobooks. You might find it interesting, who knows?

009: Doofus Dad's Foolproof Guide for Setting Up a Home Office

PODCAST: This is Chapter 1 of my upcoming book, "Doofus Dad's Foolproof Guide for Working from Home," which doesn't yet have a release date because I haven't gotten around to writing all the other chapters. In light of our current worldwide conundrum driving millions of folks into home offices, I figured I'd better hurry up and release Chapter 1 so that people would have plenty of skewed and tongue-in-cheek information as soon as possible.