035: Image is everything — even for moms and dads

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What is the image you project to the outside world? How we choose to see ourselves is pretty much how we act and how the world views us, so choose wisely!

034: The Top 5 ways to know you're too political

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If you have a scowl on your face every time you look in the mirror, and you're losing friends on social media at an alarming rate, there might be a problem. You may be too political. Here's a surefire way to find out.

033: Social media and the death of civility

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Every time a national election rolls around, I'm reminded of the kindness and consideration of social media and how I never, EVER, long for the days prior to Facebook and Twitter. Because life was so much worse then and we're all so enlightened now. No, really.

032: The decline of the American TV father and the rise of 'Doofus Dad'

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There are a few reasons I named this blog "Doofus Dad" and they're not all about self-deprecating humor. The American view of fatherhood isn't what it was during the days of "The Andy Griffith Show."

031: My top 9 best things about being gainfully unemployed

There are definite advantages to being gainfully unemployed if you look hard enough and make several of them up.

030: The human design flaw of married-with-children sex

It's an uncomfortable topic, but one that needs to be addressed, I think. The process of having children simply affects men and women differently — no matter how tight you are with your soul mate — and no greater is this difference than where it applies to shmex, as my 19-year-old son calls it.

029: How THE HELL can you vote for Trump??

This is a question I hear a lot these days, especially over social media. People have various reasons for voting or not voting for a particular candidate, so I wanted to make a suggestion on how we Americans should approach the process of casting our ballots this year.

028: Casting the first fly — Indoctrination on the Bighorn River

This podcast tells the story of my first (and only, to date) fly-fishing expedition. An expert angler at an outdoor writers conference in 2016 was kind enough to take me fishing on the Bighorn River, near Billings, Montana. It was quite an adventure.

027: My Top 12 Reasons Why I Hate CrossFit, Version 2.0

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This is the podcast version of my most popular blog post to date, written seven years ago this month. I've updated it to reflect my current situation, but all the good stuff is still there. If you either love CrossFit, love to make fun of CrossFit, or just love to make fun of anything, you'll enjoy it.

026: My Top 10 Areas Where American Common Sense has Gone AWOL

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The Meriam-Webster dictionary defines common sense as, quote, “sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts” unquote. OK. That’s pretty good but let me amend that with an even simpler definition: Common sense means not being a dumbass. Not being a dumbass is in short supply these days. Here's what your Great-Grandpa and I think about things.