
037: Why being a dad is scary

Being a dad can be downright scary, and I'm not just talking about the baby stuff. How you appear in the eyes of your impressionable 12-year-old son or daughter can be as terrifying as driving a newborn home from the hospital. Let me explain...

Why 'Jaws' is the greatest dad movie of my generation

One of the appealing aspects of living in the modern age of Western entertainment is when a particular film, TV show, or song becomes woven into your life. I don’t mean it’s simply something you recall from your past. I mean, it actively…


Teenaged daughters are volatile creatures, much like a wolverine or, perhaps, a honey badger. If a well-meaning dad simply makes eye contact with his teenaged daughter for too long, he may lose a nose or ear. Here is what I recommend, although it's unlikely that any of it will work.

Blog Version: Doofus Dad’s Top 9 Handy & Useful Tricks for Dealing with the Coronavirus

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Disclaimer: The following is me poking fun of something that is clearly serious and bad. I am aware that it is serious and bad, but choose to poke fun at it anyway because, well, I need to. You have now been legally disclaimed. As I write…

You're gonna screw up. It's OK.

I originally wrote this for a professional association I'm a member of, but I think you'll like it, too. Modified slightly.   You dread it. You do everything possible to avoid it, take every precaution and all the right steps. But…

A Walmart horror story

The man felt weak. Exhausted. Artificial light radiated down from twenty feet above, sucking his life force away and dispersing it harmlessly among the dusty rafters of the enormous building. He propped his forearms on the curved handle of…

My Top 10 Dad Tips for Incoming College Freshmen

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In a few short weeks, our oldest son, Sam, will be heading off to college. It’s one of those huge milestones in the life of both child and parent, and everybody is just a little freaked out. My do-gooder wife, Holly, is freaked out over…

The Top 6 Ways for Dads to Avoid Pissing Off Their Teenaged Daughters

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Few things in life are more confusing and scary for a dad than a teenaged daughter. It's just true. When our daughters are cooing babies, Dads develop an idealistic fantasy that the father/daughter bond will strengthen into one of those “You…